What is it

Autoprefixer online — web repl for original Autoprefixer. It parses your CSS and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from. It is recommended by Google and used by Twitter and Taobao.


How does it work

The Autoprefixer uses data on the popularity of browsers and support for vendor prefixes by browsers. Based on this information, it arranges and deletes the prefixes. It can help you get prefixes for: animations, transition, transform, grid, flex, flexbox and others.

The CSS Autoprefixer Converter Generator tool works by allowing users to input their CSS code and then automatically adding the necessary vendor prefixes to the code. This ensures that the CSS code will work across a wide range of browsers, even if they don't support all of the latest CSS features.

Some benefits of using a CSS Autoprefixer Converter Generator tool include:

  • Automatic addition of vendor prefixes, saving time and effort compared to manual coding
  • Ability to work with the latest CSS features, even if they are not yet supported in all browsers
  • Improved cross-browser compatibility for CSS code
  • Ability to update prefixes as new browsers are released

To use the tool, simply input the CSS code and hit the "convert" button. The resulting CSS code with vendor prefixes can then be copied and pasted into the website's code.

Additionally, the CSS Autoprefixer Converter Generator tool may also offer features such as:

  • Option to choose which browsers to add prefixes for
  • The ability to save the generated code for later use or for sharing with others
  • Integration with other web development tools and platforms

CSS Autoprefixer Converter Generator tool is a valuable tool for those who need to ensure cross-browser compatibility for their CSS code. It offers an easy and efficient way to add vendor prefixes to CSS code, saving time and effort compared to manual coding.