
Grid Generator

  1. Grid configuration: The tool should allow users to specify the number of rows and columns for the grid, as well as the gap between cells.
  2. Cell sizing: The tool should allow users to adjust the size of the cells in the grid, either by specifying a fixed width and height or using a percentage-based approach.
  3. Alignment options: The tool should allow users to align the cells within the grid, such as aligning them to the top, bottom, left, or right.
  4. Preview option: The tool should provide a preview of the grid so that the user can see the changes they are making in real-time.
  5. Code output: The tool should generate the CSS code for the grid that the user can copy and paste into their own website.
  6. Responsiveness: The tool should allow users to specify different styles for different screen sizes, so the grid adapts to different devices.
  7. User-friendly interface: The tool should have an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to create and customize their grids.
  8. Accessibility: The tool should generate code that is accessible, including using appropriate ARIA attributes for screen readers.
  9. Customization options: The tool should allow users to specify custom styles for individual cells, such as setting background colors, adding borders, or using custom CSS.
  10. CSS editing: The tool should allow users to edit the generated CSS code directly, for those who are familiar with CSS and want to make more advanced modifications.
  11. Presets: The tool could include a set of predefined grid configurations that users can select and customize as needed.
  12. Grid templates: The tool could allow users to save their grid configurations as templates, making it easy to use the same grid in multiple projects.
  13. Grid structure: The tool should allow users to specify the structure of the grid, such as having cells that span multiple rows or columns.
  14. Nested grids: The tool should allow users to create nested grids within cells, allowing for complex and flexible grid designs.
  15. Responsive behavior: The tool should allow users to specify how cells should behave when the grid is resized, such as adjusting the size of cells automatically or maintaining a fixed size.