This free online calculator will calculate the number business days between two dates, or calculate an ending date based on a specified number of business days to add or subtract to or from a starting date.
Plus, unlike other working days calculators, this calculator will not only let you choose which days of the week you want to be counted as business days, but it also allows you to indicate which, if any, holidays you would like excluded from the count.
This customization feature means you can also use the calculator to count work days only (working days calculator), or any other types of events that are counted based on which days of the week they reoccur.
The "Business Days Calculator generator" tool is designed to help businesses accurately calculate the number of business days between two dates. This tool can be used to calculate important dates such as payment due dates, shipping dates, and more. Here's a list of features that could be included in the tool:
- Calculate business days only: The tool should be able to calculate the number of business days between two dates, excluding weekends and holidays.
- Adjust for holidays: The tool should have the ability to adjust for national holidays, so you can accurately calculate the number of business days between two dates.
- Set custom business days: If your business operates on different days than the standard Monday-Friday workweek, you can set custom business days to be included in the calculation.
- Select start and end dates: You can choose specific start and end dates, or the tool can use the current date as the starting point.
- Multiple calculation support: You can perform multiple date calculations in one session, so you can easily see the number of business days between multiple dates.
- Save and export results: You should be able to save your date calculations for future reference, or export them to a spreadsheet for further analysis.