CSS Style Properties
EM | REM | Pixel | Percent | Point |
0.5em | 0.5rem | 8px | 50% | 6pt |
0.5625em | 0.5625rem | 9px | 56.25% | 6.75pt |
0.625em | 0.625rem | 10px | 62.5% | 7.5pt |
0.6875em | 0.6875rem | 11px | 68.75% | 8.25pt |
0.75em | 0.75rem | 12px | 75% | 9pt |
0.8125em | 0.8125rem | 13px | 81.25% | 9.75pt |
0.875em | 0.875rem | 14px | 87.5% | 10.50pt |
0.9375em | 0.9375rem | 15px | 93.75% | 11.25pt |
1em | 1rem | 16px | 100% | 12pt |
1.0625em | 1.0625rem | 17px | 106.25% | 12.75pt |
1.125em | 1.125rem | 18px | 112.5% | 13.5pt |
1.1875em | 1.1875rem | 19px | 118.75% | 14.25pt |
1.25em | 1.25rem | 20px | 125% | 15pt |
1.3125em | 1.3125rem | 21px | 131.25% | 15.75pt |
1.375em | 1.375rem | 22px | 137.5% | 16.50pt |
1.4375em | 1.4375rem | 23px | 143.75% | 17.25pt |
1.5em | 1.5rem | 24px | 150% | 18pt |
1.5625em | 1.5625rem | 25px | 156.25% | 18.75pt |
1.625em | 1.625rem | 26px | 162.5% | 19.5pt |
1.6875em | 1.6875rem | 27px | 168.75% | 20.25pt |
1.75em | 1.75rem | 28px | 175% | 21pt |
1.8125em | 1.8125rem | 29px | 181.25% | 21.75pt |
1.875em | 1.875rem | 30px | 187.5% | 22.5pt |
1.9375em | 1.9375rem | 31px | 193.75% | 23.25pt |
2em | 2rem | 32px | 200% | 24pt |
2.0625em | 2.0625rem | 33px | 206.25% | 24.75pt |
2.125em | 2.125rem | 34px | 212.5% | 25.5pt |
2.1875em | 2.1875rem | 35px | 218.75% | 26.25pt |
2.25em | 2.25rem | 36px | 225% | 27pt |
2.3125em | 2.3125rem | 37px | 231.25% | 27.75pt |
2.375em | 2.375rem | 38px | 237.5% | 28.5pt |
2.4375em | 2.4375rem | 39px | 243.75% | 29.25pt |
2.5em | 2.5rem | 40px | 250% | 30pt |
2.5625em | 2.5625rem | 41px | 256.25% | 30.75pt |
2.625em | 2.625rem | 42px | 262.5% | 31.5pt |
2.6875em | 2.6875rem | 43px | 268.75% | 32.25pt |
2.75em | 2.75rem | 44px | 275% | 33pt |
2.8125em | 2.8125rem | 45px | 281.25% | 33.75pt |
2.875em | 2.875rem | 46px | 287.5% | 34.5pt |
2.9375em | 2.9375rem | 47px | 293.75% | 35.25pt |
3em | 3rem | 48px | 300% | 36pt |
REM to PX Converter Online
REM to PX Converter tool helps to convert rem value into a pixel value.
Convert REM to PX is created in order to help users who do not know how to calculate the conversion rate between REM and PX. The converter offers an easy-to-use graphical interface, so it does not require the user to have any background knowledge about conversions.
This tool has a minimalistic interface with a single button for inputting the value of measurement in one unit that needs to be converted into another unit of measurement system.
About REM and PX
In CSS, there are two ways to set the font size of an element. The first is setting the size in pixels (px) and the second is setting it relative to the user's default font size.
The (REM) root element's font-size can be set in pixels or relative to the user's default font size. If a pixel value is not specified, it will inherit from its parent elements which are usually 16px by default.
What can you do with REM to PX Converter Tool?
- It helps to find your pixel value giving by the rem value.
- Online REM to PX Converter tool works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.